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chore(deps): update all non-major dependencies

renovate requested to merge renovate/all-minor-patch into main

This MR contains the following updates:

Package Type Update Change
Deprecated patch ==1.2.13 -> ==1.2.14
Flask (changelog) minor ==2.2.5 -> ==2.3.3
Flask-RESTful patch ==0.3.9 -> ==0.3.10
Jinja2 (changelog) patch ==3.1.3 -> ==3.1.4
Jinja2 (changelog) patch ==3.1.2 -> ==3.1.4
Mako (source) minor ==1.2.4 -> ==1.3.6
Markdown (changelog) minor ==3.4.3 -> ==3.7
Markdown (changelog) minor ==3.4.1 -> ==3.7
MarkupSafe (changelog) patch ==2.1.2 -> ==2.1.5
MarkupSafe (changelog) patch ==2.1.1 -> ==2.1.5
Pillow (changelog) minor ==10.0.1 -> ==10.4.0
PyJWT minor ==2.7.0 -> ==2.9.0
PyJWT minor ==2.6.0 -> ==2.9.0
PyWavelets minor ==1.4.1 -> ==1.7.0
PyYAML (source) patch ==6.0.1 -> ==6.0.2
SQLAlchemy (changelog) patch ==1.4.45 -> ==1.4.54
alembic (source, changelog) minor ==1.10.4 -> ==1.14.0
alembic (source, changelog) minor ==1.9.0 -> ==1.14.0
annotated-types (changelog) minor ==0.5.0 -> ==0.7.0
beautifulsoup4 (changelog) patch ==4.12.2 -> ==4.12.3
beautifulsoup4 (changelog) minor ==4.11.1 -> ==4.12.3
bleach minor ==6.0.0 -> ==6.2.0
blinker minor ==1.6.2 -> ==1.8.2
blinker minor ==1.5 -> ==1.8.2
boto3 minor ==1.34.37 -> ==1.35.55
botocore minor ==1.34.37 -> ==1.35.55
certifi minor ==2023.7.22.1 -> ==2023.11.17
cffi (source, changelog) minor ==1.15.1 -> ==1.17.1
click (changelog) patch ==8.1.3 -> ==8.1.7
contourpy (changelog) minor ==1.0.6 -> ==1.3.0
coverage minor ==6.3.3 -> ==6.5.0
cryptography (changelog) patch ==41.0.5 -> ==41.0.7
cycler minor ==0.11.0 -> ==0.12.1 (source) minor 10.5 -> 10.11
fonttools minor ==4.38.0 -> ==4.54.1
greenlet patch ==2.0.1 -> ==2.0.2
h11 minor ==0.13.0 -> ==0.14.0
hashicorp/terraform (source) image-name minor 1.5 -> 1.9
idna (changelog) minor ==3.3 -> ==3.10
importlib-metadata minor ==6.6.0 -> ==6.11.0
importlib-metadata minor ==5.1.0 -> ==5.2.0
importlib-resources minor ==5.12.0 -> ==5.13.0
importlib-resources minor ==5.10.1 -> ==5.13.0
isodate minor ==0.6.1 -> ==0.7.2
itsdangerous (changelog) minor ==2.1.2 -> ==2.2.0
jwcrypto minor ==1.4 -> ==1.5.6
kiwisolver (changelog) patch ==1.4.4 -> ==1.4.7
lxml (source, changelog) patch ==4.9.1 -> ==4.9.4
mariadb service-image minor 10.8 -> 10.11
markdown2 minor ==2.4.11 -> ==2.5.1
markdown2 minor ==2.4.6 -> ==2.5.1
matplotlib minor ==3.6.2 -> ==3.9.2
mkdocs (changelog) minor ==1.5.3 -> ==1.6.1
mkdocs-glightbox (source) minor ==0.3.7 -> ==0.4.0
mkdocs-material (changelog) patch ==9.5.8 -> ==9.5.44
mysql-connector-python (changelog) minor ==8.0.33 -> ==8.4.0
mysql-connector-python (changelog) minor ==8.0.29 -> ==8.4.0
networkx minor ==3.1 -> ==3.4.2
numpy (changelog) minor ==1.24.1 -> ==1.26.4
oic minor ==1.6.1 -> ==1.7.0
outcome (changelog) minor ==1.1.0 -> ==1.3.0.post0
pandas (source) patch ==1.5.2 -> ==1.5.3
pluggy minor ==1.0.0 -> ==1.5.0
protobuf patch ==3.20.2 -> ==3.20.3
pyOpenSSL (source) minor ==23.2.0 -> ==23.3.0
pycparser minor ==2.21 -> ==2.22
pycryptodomex (source, changelog) minor ==3.18.0 -> ==3.21.0
pydantic (changelog) minor ==2.4.0 -> ==2.9.2
pydantic-core minor ==2.6.3 -> ==2.26.0
pydantic-settings (changelog) minor ==2.0.3 -> ==2.6.1
pygraphviz minor ==1.10 -> ==1.14
pyop patch ==3.4.0 -> ==3.4.1
pyparsing minor ==3.0.9 -> ==3.2.0
pytest (changelog) patch ==7.4.3 -> ==7.4.4
pytest (changelog) minor ==7.1.1 -> ==7.4.4
pytest-metadata minor ==3.0.0 -> ==3.1.1
python image minor 3.12 -> 3.13
python final minor 3.12-slim -> 3.13-slim
python-dateutil minor ==2.8.2 -> ==2.9.0.post0
python-dotenv patch ==1.0.0 -> ==1.0.1
python-frontmatter minor ==1.0.0 -> ==1.1.0
python-gnupg patch ==0.5.1 -> ==0.5.3
python3-saml minor ==1.15.0 -> ==1.16.0
python3-saml minor ==1.14.0 -> ==1.16.0
pytz minor ==2023.3 -> ==2023.4
pytz minor ==2022.6 -> ==2022.7.1
requests (source, changelog) minor ==2.31.0 -> ==2.32.3
s3transfer patch ==0.10.0 -> ==0.10.3
scipy (source) minor ==1.10.0 -> ==1.14.1
selenium minor ==4.6.1 -> ==4.26.1
selenium minor ==4.15.1 -> ==4.26.1
sentry-sdk (changelog) minor ==1.22.2 -> ==1.45.1
sentry-sdk (changelog) minor ==1.14.0 -> ==1.45.1
setuptools (changelog) patch ==74.1.2 -> ==74.1.3
sniffio (changelog) minor ==1.2.0 -> ==1.3.1
soupsieve minor ==2.3.2.post1 -> ==2.6
sympy (source) minor ==1.11.1 -> ==1.13.3
tomli (changelog) patch ==2.0.1 -> ==2.0.2
traefik minor v2.8 -> v2.11
trio (changelog) minor ==0.20.0 -> ==0.27.0
trio-websocket minor ==0.9.2 -> ==0.11.1
typing-extensions (changelog) minor ==4.7.1 -> ==4.12.2
urllib3 (changelog) patch ==1.26.18 -> ==1.26.20
wrapt (changelog) minor ==1.14.1 -> ==1.16.0
wsproto minor ==1.1.0 -> ==1.2.0
xmlsec (changelog) patch ==1.3.13 -> ==1.3.14
zipp minor ==3.15.0 -> ==3.20.2
zipp minor ==3.11.0 -> ==3.20.2


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📅 Schedule: Branch creation - At any time (no schedule defined), Automerge - At any time (no schedule defined).

🚦 Automerge: Disabled by config. Please merge this manually once you are satisfied.

Rebasing: Whenever MR is behind base branch, or you tick the rebase/retry checkbox.

👻 Immortal: This MR will be recreated if closed unmerged. Get config help if that's undesired.

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This MR has been generated by Renovate Bot.

Edited by renovate

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